Focusing on outcomes & performance Chase blends Biomechanics, Exercise Science, Neuroscience & Chiropractic Medicine for the best care an athlete can find.
Doctor of Chiropractic
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Crossfit Level 2 Coach
Mr Encyclopedia, The Muscle Mystic, That_Performance_Nerd…. You may know Dr. Chase as one of the coaches here at CrossFit Uncommon, but he is also a full-fledged doctor & Competitive CrossFit Athlete.
Starting in the Functional Neurology & Concussion Rehab space, Dr. Chase grew an expansive knowledge of the Nervous system and its connection to metabolic & musculoskeletal health. Although working with these patients was fulfilling, it was frustrating working with people who wanted to shortcut their health and seemed disinterested in learning the fundamentals of an active & healthy life.
Knowing he wanted to work with driven individuals who cared more about outcomes & performance than momentary discomfort and the personal responsibility that came with the territory, he decided to open his practice, Action Potential - Sport & Neuro Performance, which blends Biomechanics, Exercise Science, Neuroscience & Chiropractic Medicine for the best care an athlete can find.
He opened his first office here at CrossFit Uncommon over two years ago and has been a cornerstone of the community ever since.
On top of being a Doctor of Chiropractic, he is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and has achieved his Crossfit Level 2. He has also competed in numerous CrossFit competitions with a 12th-place finish at TFX in 2024.